Global Children’s Designathon 2021 in Suhum, Ghanna
This year, the Global Children’s Designathon event was held on the 23d of January 2021 in different cities around the world amidst uncertainties due to the global pandemic. Covid-19 took a huge toll on various organizations and events worldwide which made it impossible to host a Designathon event in 2020. For many, the 2021 Designathon was not only a show of resistance but also a demonstration of new ways of indulging in important activities in what has been accepted to be the new normal.
Written by Elizabeth Ofosuah Johnson
For Dr. Monk, hosting the Global Children’s Designathon 2021 was no different a challenge, as it was the first time in many months that the Accra team met in person and hosted its first physical activity in times of the pandemic. There was also the new challenge of hosting the event outside of Accra for the first time, while still adhering to all Covid-19 protocols and making sure that everyone’s safety was guaranteed.
This year’s event was hosted in Suhum, in an area called Cocoa Ano farming community, in the Eastern Region of Ghana, a 1hr and 40mins drive from the capital Accra. The event hosted a total number of 25 children between the ages 8 to 15. While 10 of the participating kids were from the Kisseman’s children foundation in Accra, the 15 others were from communities in and around Suhum.
The Team from Accra left for Suhum at about 8:30 am from the Dr. Monk Office after parents and guardians dropped off their kids. The team from Accra comprised of 2 hosts from Dr. Monk, a caretaker from the NGO and 3 facilitators as well as the 10 children who had signed up for this year’s event.
Thanks to the great team at Suhum, the Accra team arrived in Suhum at the Aponapon primary school park to meet the 15 children from the Aponapon M.A. primary school, who were already waiting for the event to start. The students were accompanied by their headmistress and a teacher.
During the event, it was interesting to see the children warm up to each other and also learn about this year’s theme Clean Energy and Climate. While Climate Change was a concept they understood, it was a bit of a challenge making them understand the concept of Clean Energy and how this is linked to the environment. However, the adaptation of the presentation to suit the Ghanaian context helped. The facilitators also did an amazing job taking the kids through all the concepts again after the first 40 minute presentation. Although this drew the schedule back, it was a needed activity that paid off and helped the kids finally understand what Clean Energy means and how it is connected to Climate and Climate Change.
It should be mentioned that just before activities began, the children, who were already masked up with customized Designathon masks from Dr. Monk were briefly educated on Covid-19 and why it is important to adhere to all protocols.
Ideation started on a very high note as the kids who were by this time in groups were very excited to come up with concepts that would provide a solution to the energy problems that they had identified while learning. It was interesting to see the children being very excited and willing to come up with solutions that conserved energy, produced cleaner and safer energy and made it more accessible to anyone, whether one stayed in Accra or in Suhum. The children from Suhum were very particular about the accessibility and conversion of energy while the children from Accra were particular about clean energy production and consumption. Both interests met to birth very interesting and creative prototypes.
The creation process was a smooth sail for the children as they had not only gained more confidence in themselves but by this time had become more expressive and creative after realizing that the facilitators were there to guide them and not instruct them. This freedom unleashed their creativity and made it a unique learning experience for the kids. According to Mrs. Agyiewaa Addo, the headmistress of the Aponapon M.A. primary school in Suhum, it was very impressive to see the children come out of their shells. The structure of Designathon was something she was going to implement in her school.
Prototypes and Presentation
With support from their facilitators and the carpenter /electrician, the children were ready to present their ideas to the judges and members of the community who had come round to witness what the kids were up to.
Group 1 made an E-learning music box that runs on solar power and battery. The Music Box which had a built-in solar adapter is left in the sun to charge for a few hours and can be used after charge for more than 24 hours. In addition, the music box came with Solar batteries that help the E learning music box run on days when it rained or when there is not enough sunlight. This equipment can be used by both adults and children, but is very useful for school children who can listen to audio books and other educational material. This proves to be particularly useful in times of home schooling due to the pandemic.
Group 2 created a Superholic truck that runs on refuse. The idea was to solve the problem of sanitation problems in Ghana which would benefit the environment while also having a car that runs on clean energy.
This truck or car is unique because it has four chambers that separate plastic, paper, clothing and food that breaks down into fuel. The car also has a filter that filters the air and a few plugs that can charge gadgets at a small fee in the neighborhood. The children explained that people could charge their gadgets on these trucks in exchange for rubbish.
Group 3 built an Eco-friendly house that runs on solar power. During the presentation, the children in group explained that the materials used in building the house were eco-friendly materials that were in no way harmful to the environment and to humans. The house also had a solar panel that converts solar power to electrical energy. The house also has a power reserve. This house was designed to cut down the cost of building a house and cut down on the use of harmful materials.
Group 4 created an Electrically powered automobile car that runs in water. In their presentation they explained that this car functions with energy from the sun which would heat up the water and create electricity for the car to function for a week. This was to prevent the use of petrol and LPG which are harmful to the environment. The children also explained that hydro stations would be built around Ghana and replace fuel station so that these cars can be serviced.
Group 5 focused on Entertainment gadgets that run on solar power. They created a TV that runs on solar batteries as well as a mobile solar power bank that could charge gadgets.
After the presentation, the kids had something to eat and socialized. They were presented with their certificates. The Accra team left Suhum at about 5pm and got back to Accra by 7pm. Facilitators helped in getting the children back home safely.